click on the "portfolio" button to view my creations! on this page i will try to make it responsive web design

click on the "blogs" button to view my blogs! i will also try out responsive web design on this page

this website is a WORK IN PROGRESS. it's mostly trial and error, and it isn't my final portfolio. this website has terrible responsive web design, it is only made suitable for desktop devices. despite heavy themes on our planet Earth, this website does NOT actually revolve around it. this website is mainly for me, ale, to learn how to use CSS and HTML with a mix of JS. On this website you'll find my contacts, such as my instragram, twitter, tiktok, Facebook, and so on. you will also find my portfolio where I post things I've created, and last but not least you'll find my blogs. what I plan to do in the future is to get into programming. to be more specific, i want to learn web and game development and for my main career path, cybersecurity. yes i know it's a lot, but i'm eager to learn and i'm already having tons of fun with css and html. as of now i know SOME css and html, and i'm looking to learn javascript next. after that, the main programming language i want to learn is java.
click on the "portfolio" button to view my creations! on this page i will try to make it responsive web design
click on the "blogs" button to view my blogs! i will also try out responsive web design on this page